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Label Mix Interview - Hyperlink

Nina Label Mix

Internet music from around the world, curated in France.

By editorial


While this week’s label mix technically comes from Marseille, France, it’s truly the product of the internet. Hyperlink founder Fanny Cahu is an active participant in her corner of internet music, searching for under-the-radar artists to amplify their art through the platform she single-handedly built.

“While there's no rigid sound, I aim for coherence within a particular niche, representing what I love most—ranging from ambient to pop to grime, with a strong emphasis on sound design,” she told Nina.

Her label mix is a testament to the label’s diverse, yet aesthetically focused and refined output. She effortlessly steers through catalog highlights, ranging from eerie ambient tracks to post-apocalyptic drum-and-bass to experimental pop. 

Listen to the mix and read our interview with Fanny below. The mix can be collected for free.

Hyperlink - Label Mix 021
Hyperlink - Label Mix 021Nina Label Mix

Where are you based?

Fanny Cahu: I'm based in Marseille, France!

Can you describe your label mix?

I aimed to create a diverse blend of producers featured on the label, maintaining a smooth overall experience with various genres and atmospheres. The mix starts with mellow tones, gradually progressing into faster sounds. I love infusing an element of surprise through BPM changes, much like the ebb and flow of the sea—waves, moments of calm, and waves again!

What inspired you to start a label?

My journey in music and involvement in various associations since my teenage years fueled my passion for curating my own label. Being surrounded by many men in the industry, I wanted to highlight the importance of females in music, showcasing that we can be curators, producers and DJs too. The impact of COVID on women's situations, especially those forced into lockdown with their abusers, prompted me to start a charity compilation, lilywhite. From there, my commitment grew, evolving from Hyperlink's origins as a small SoundCloud channel where I shared mixes from various DJs. And now we’re almost 10 releases later, IRL events, radio shows... :)

Does your label have a sound or a mission?

Hyperlink doesn't adhere to a strict artistic direction, rather, it's a space for producers to release their music with freedom of expression. I predominantly collaborate with "under the radar" musicians to help amplify their art. While there's no rigid sound, I aim for coherence within a particular niche, representing what I love most—ranging from ambient to pop to grime, with a strong emphasis on sound design.

Tell us about your scene(s).

Over the past decade, I've witnessed a positive shift in the music scene. What was once considered niche music now receives broader recognition. While breaking into the industry remains challenging, there's a growing interest in new sounds and artistic processes, which is encouraging.

What's your A&R process?

I'm always connected... online all the time, engaging with other producers, sharing music and demos. When I discover music that resonates with me, I reach out to the artists, expressing that Hyperlink is a space where their music can find a home, and I'll ensure it's well taken care of. I also receive many emails with demos, though managing them single-handedly can be challenging and overwhelming!

What labels do you look up to?

A multitude of labels actually, ranging from the big ones like PAN to smaller independent labels like BFF Music. There's a wealth of creativity and diversity within the music industry that continues to influence and motivate me.

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