"Life's journey leads us to new and unfamiliar places, where we are called upon to adapt, to learn to breathe with renewed lungs. This process of change can be fraught with fear – fear of crossing the street, fear of being crossed by the unfamiliar, fear of not measuring up, fear of feeling isolated. We may even find ourselves bearing the weight of other people's sadness as if it were our own, struggling to find the courage to confront injustices. It is in these moments that we may feel guilty or overwhelmed, and the temptation to retreat into ourselves can be strong.
But what if these very experiences – these moments of fear, uncertainty, and vulnerability – were reasons to embrace life rather than reasons to be afraid? What if they were opportunities to connect us, all together?
"Non Aver Paura" (Don't Be Afraid) is the song I composed for Riforma's BATCH#3, between Turin and Berlin. It exists as a bridge, a bridge towards affirmative embraces and a love that saved my life without asking for anything in return. It is a biographical song, rooted in a body that struggles with an embodied fragility together with the fragility of other bodies. It mixes colors that patiently places on new surfaces, searching for something of itself in other' eyes."
DORI SORRIDE is a Tenco-Grime proto-hyperpop entity. It started as an experiment on the infamous 0,003centXview platform and it quickly became a duende-lead container of love and desires.
KINKED is a leftield-ritualist of vocal gestures and granular realities.
Loraaxis is an invented word for brightness, the light that enters the lens and burns everything.
Federico Tansella, known as Meynsense, is an audiovisual artist born in 2003, born in San Benedetto del Tronto (Marche), and currently living and working in Venice.He matured over the years as a musician, exploring various subgenres of electronic music, seeking a synthesis that combines intimate vocals and deconstructed instrumentals, with brutal contrasts between granular environments and sharp drums. He has enriched his portfolio through personal projects and collaborations with visual artists and fashion brands, serving as a Sound Designer for events and multimedia content.
In addition to his musical pursuits, he pursues his artistic research in an interdisciplinary manner, focusing on introspection within the context of contemporary languages through installations and video art. He also explores performative dimensions and dreamlike atmospheres within the realm of Live performance.
Music by Dori Sorride
Rework by Kinked, Loraaxis, Meynsense
Mastered by Giuseppe Ieasi
Artwork by Luisa Badino