Deardogs is a French imprint that specializes in what they call “niche muzik.” After listening to FOLKS II, a sprawling new compilation of experimental and ambient music from the label, it would be hard to dispute that characterization. But for fans of forward-pushing electronic music—if you are reading this blurb right now you might just be one of them—this release, the follow-up to a 7 inch comp released a few years ago, offers a nice sampler of the current sonic landscape. A lot of the music on here leans towards the drifting and the ethereal, but there’s also an obliquely punky turn from Daisy Ray and a plodding beatdown from NY Graffiti. The comp’s closer, “watching the wheels with yoko” by great area and lolina, is two minutes of unclassifiable pop. The full picture is only really revealed when all nine tracks are taken in aggregate, so dive in.